No Longer Abused
A bi-Monthly Zoom Teaching Series

INSPIRED BY Author Kim O'Hara's self-help book No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your life

buy kim's book here!

SESSION Eight: Taking back your body

Based on Chapter Eight, our body has not been our own for so long. It was used by someone who did not have the best intentions for us. How do we come into alignment with our bodies in recovery? We look at our ailments, and the way we can look at our body like it is a foreign object. We will suggest self-care mindsets to employ while re-connecting to our bodies.

Joining me to share important survivor insights about self care and ownership of one's body is Guest Writer Laurie Timms.

Laurie Timms is pulling back the curtain on what it means to recover from trauma. She writes to help other survivors of “Big T” trauma understand they are not alone and that there is hope for a more “normal” life. In her column, Perks of a Psychotic Break, she shares her own life’s fraught journeys to expose the persistent stigmas around mental health and shine a light on the path for others to find their own ways to heal. She hopes to help catalyze other survivors to reconnect with themselves and begin to heal the traumas at the root of so many mental health issues. She will share how when she was in abuse denial, she didn't hold herself in high esteem or take great care of herself. She learned to be more radical about the importance of putting herself first.
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Kim O'Hara

I am so glad you found this safe teaching space where twice a month for 21 weeks I will bring in a Guest Author to teach on the phases of coming out of abuse denial outlined in this book. I woke up from a dream when I was 42 understanding I was molested as a young child, and my whole life changed forever… for the better.

But not right away.

I went through some very painful stages, lost without support groups that could take me on a linear path of recovery or remove a victim mentality. I understood I had to walk through the shedding of denial first so I could write about it in my book, and then teach the process in hindsight.

When we have been abused, our subconscious lies about the truth to us for as long as it can before we are emotionally ready. For some, this is quick, but for many others like me, it took decades to face the abuse, understand the past and find a new voice. By then, I had already functioned as a false persona in so many areas of my life for so long, I didn’t even know who I was. Abuse had altered my original identity and affected the way I handled money, spirituality, friendships, success, and my ability to love myself.

“This book is truly a gift to sexual abuse survivors. Kim delivers a courageously candid and insightful depiction of her devastating experience as a survivor of incest.”

Session Eight: Taking Back Your Body

This Session is now available as a recording.

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    What abuse do you identify with?
    Where have you neglected your body?

    Class is FREE - All that is required is proof of purchase of the books.